
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Just another tick in time...?

Well, yes...New Years is just another "tick" in time. But it is a special "tick" for most of us. Last night we had a few friends over (Gene & Sue, Guy & Judy, Heather & Chris), and although it was a small (and short-lived) gathering, it gave me another opportunity to practice one of my passions: cooking for friends. I worked a good portion of the day on a couple of new recipes for Southwest Eggrolls with a Chipotle Aioli, Tortilla Soup (which turned out partucularly tasty for those who enjoy a little "bite" in their food), the obligatory Hot Wings (a slight variation on the original Anchor Bar recipe...I bake them instead of deep frying), chips and my salsa, and Apple-Caramel Bourbon Egg Rolls & Cajeta Sauce with ice cream for dessert. I made everything from scratch, cleaned up the kitchen as I went along, and all seemed to appreciate our efforts. Point of thought: Loretta and I pondered last night if we would ever have house guests if I didn't cook like I do! Oh well, it is always fun to do. Guy, Judy, & I shared a few shots of Tesoro, the others were more conservative in their embibing. To make a long story short, the soiree was short & sweet with all guests opting to retreat to their respective "cribs" for the strike of midnight. Loretta and I managed stay awake for the ball-drop as well as some neighborhood fireworks solo.

Now, it's time to take a long look at my resolution list and add a couple more...the list will remain non-public for the time being (I'm still working on it!).

I will say one thing about my resolutions, one of them involves my acquaintances hearing more from me personally this year via email, snail mail, and visits. So, Happy New Year. Serenity Now. Tolerance. Appreciation. Choices. Peace!


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