
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Friday, October 28, 2005

The game is afoot!

912 - 3

Or more accurately...Skip's Folley...Another Adventure...The Salida Project?

Whatever I choose to call it...it has started: a car project. More specifically: an old Porsche car project. Or is it "project car"? At any rate...

Recently driven from Portland, Oregon by yours truly, it is now sitting in my driveway...repleat with a shiny new drip pan under the engine. Yes, it made it the 651 miles on I-5 with only a minor glitch on the way (a dead battery, and possibly faulty generator)...easy fix.

It is a handsome pile of machinery...from 30 feet back or more (or under 6 inches as in the photo above) it's not it too bad too look at and not in too bad of shape for a 1969 Porsche 912. Many things lie ahead in the restorating process. In the meantime, it runs like a top...I will be driving it daily!

Loretta's take on this? She really is grateful that I made it back in one piece...and that the 912 is still in one piece also.

By the way, she got some new living room furniture last week.


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