
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The future...or the past?


I don't know what the attraction is to photos of railroad tracks, especially straight, long stretches like this one. It's the probably the perspective. I think they represent the future...or the past, it depends on your perspective.

It is not necessarily the half empty or half full thing...more like how much time do you spend looking forward or looking back deal. Reminiscing is fun, as long as it doesn't send you into a nostalgic funk.

You have no control over the past...you do have almost total control of the future. In fact, the past does not equal the future.

Just be careful, when looking up or down the tracks, to not let the 5:15 from Visalia run you down!


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