
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Another edition of "For Those of Us Fortunate Enough..."

Loretta on the Springer

My wife of 10 years, Loretta, can only be described as incredible and unique.

She is incredible and unique for a 100 different reasons. Not the least of which is that she has managed to remain a constant source of joy, support, and tolerance in my life over the years.

She is a source of joy because of her unending desire to allow me to do the things that make me happy. She is the most devoted of spouses who completely appreciates the things she has. The simple things, especially her (our) home. Despite living with a typical ‘man’, Loretta maintains a beautiful household while still working outside in a part time job.

She is a source of support because of her unwavering concern for my well-being and happiness. She has always been very a sensitive person, especially when it comes to my moods and health.

She is a source of tolerance because of her unrequiring attitude toward her spouse and his often bewildering tendancy for change.

Loretta has been and always will be a reminder to me that there are good things in this world...that despite the so-called bad things, one must reamin positive in order to move ahead.

She doesn’t always understand me, but she is always ready to help me set and reach my goals.

Her values and principles of life are far beyond and more noble than anyone else I have ever met.

I am truly the most fortunate guy in the universe to be with her at this point in my life.


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