
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Old Friends - Gary & Bob

If you’re one of the lucky ones...you have old friends.

If you’re one of the extremely lucky ones...you have old friends who you are still in contact with after 40 years!

My oldest old friends are Bob Kauffman & Gary Groch. I have known Gary since the 6th grade. Bob I met when I was 15. None of us live near each other now, we haven’t been in close proximity since we were in college. But for some reason, that really hasn’t mattered. We still talk to one another.

Actually we email each other, but that’s the way it is these days.

This is a 'Gary' story. Bob, "You're next!"

Gary and I became friends when we were 11 years old, at Welby Way Elementary School in Canoga Park, California.

Our friendship began a little on the rocky side (he may kill me for talking about this). I was the brunch-time milk and cookie cart person at our school. I volunteered to work in the school cafeteria (premonition of the restaurant management career), specifically, the milk and cookie cart. I would get out of class a few minutes early to go to the cafeteria and bring out that cart to sell milk and cookies to the the rest of the school during brunch time. At lunch I got to wash dishes (I didn’t know that part until after volunteering). To make a long story not quite as long - one day Gary and a couple of his “homies” decided to try to shake me down for free milk and cookies, “Hey Hansen, why don’t you give it to us for free, or we’ll beat you up after school?” Of course, I tried to reason with them to no avail. They commenced a minor harrassment campaign for a few days (pushing me as they walked by, making fun of my apron and hat). Until one day I gave in, took my own money, and bought Gary a cookie and a milk. “There”, I said with my voice quivering ever so slightly, “will you leave me alone now?” He just stood there and stared at the cookie and milk in his hands for what seemed like 5 minutes. And then he raised his head, looked me in the eyes and said, “Gee...thanks Hansen...wanna be best friends?” The remainder of the day, Gary and I walked around school with our arms on each other’s shoulders, like best friends in the 6th grade did back then.

We hung out alot after that, on and off through high school. We would ride our 10 speed bikes everywhere. We built forts and played Army in the creek, sat around in his room and talked about girls, built tents in the backyard and slept over, and read comic books and movie monster magazines. We hung out with guys named Mont Teague, John Borguese, Ira Weidman, Dave Uslaner...and Bob Kauffman.

Unfortunately, we ended up going to different junior highs, but we still saw each other from time to time. High school brought us back together on a daily basis for few more years...cars, dating, movies, cruising. Then graduation came, and we went our separate ways. Gary went to a local valley college for a while, eventually getting his PhD. I went to a different college then into the Navy for four years. We lost touch.

In 1987, Gary, Bob, and I hooked up for our 20th high school reunion in L.A. (the picture below). Since then, we have managed to stay in touch...we even got together again for our 35th high school reunion in 2002 (that picture will remain in the vault for now!).

We are planning to get together again this June for my daughter Jenifer’s wedding.

old friends
From the left - Gary, Bob, and me.

The friend of mine who has retained constant contact with me over the years - Bob - will be the subject of my next posts. He and I are still best friends after more than 40 years. I know both Gary and Bob glance at my blog from time to time...so I don't plan on embellishing too much on the stories I tell! Maybe just a little.


Blogger Jen said...

I never heard that story before, Dad. Reminded me of "The Wonder Years." Nice!

9:57 AM  

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