
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Writing Friday

Writing Friday - Heartbreak

Be that as it may, I am not one to let myself progress beyond that point of no return. I am not one to allow myself the vulnerability of deep-felt hurt. I will not swim in a sea of emotional pain.

I am not entirely convinced that I have truly felt the kind of love that supposedly lasts forever. The kind of love that transcends time and distance. The kind of love that allows you to become heartbroken. I need to be in the here and now. To feel something akin to that love, I require a physical presence.

But quite possibly, am I confusing lust with love? Are they outwardly the same emotions, the former simply the beginning of the latter? Is love a natural progression of lust?

Love is practically defined as a strong positive emotiion of regard, a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction.

Lust is described as a strong sexual desire.

On the other hand, heartbreak is an intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one.

So even though I may never have been truly in love, I have felt heartbreak. I have reluctantly stepped up to that point of no return and didn’t step past it. Yet, I have felt the pain of heartbreak - many times.

Agony, anguish, bitterness, desolation, despair, distress, grief, heavy heart, pain, regret, remorse, sorrow, suffering, torment, and woe...all dictionary synonyms for heartbreak.

I certainly have felt lust, but was it love? I have certainly had my heart broken, so was I in love? Maybe so, maybe not so.

From my point of view, love can be fleeting. You can fall out of love with something or someone. It may take a long time to get over it.

But heartbreak lasts forever.


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