
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Note to self...write more.

Note to self...write more.

At 4:02 am...I can't sleep. It's pretty typical. I keep waking up and thinking about photo ideas and writing projects. How should I pose and light that subject? How should I start that article?

I don't know which is more difficult...starting a piece, or figuring out how to end it. With everything I have done and been through in my life, it shouldn't be hard to start a writing piece. I just have to stop thinking at any point in time, pull out that memory file, thumb through it a bit, choose something, then start writing. That memory file this morning is titled, "Fishing with Hunt Winchester".

On to Appleworks...that's a start.


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