
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

"Little Skippy" hits the newspaper

This is a photo of me in 1950.

I don’t know who took the picture, probably my Dad or my Mom. Shortly thereafter, my Dad left for Navy duty in Korea. We were still living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota...where I was born.

I scanned it from a clipping my Mom gave me a while back. At first I thought it was from the newspaper...but the paper texture is more like a magazine. Maybe some sort of Lifestyle section of the paper. They spelled my last name wrong by the way.

As I breezed through similar photos of me the other day, I noticed several shots taken of me in that little seat hanging on the side of the car, a late 40's Studebaker I think. I believe that is what a baby car seat amounted to back then. Designed to hang over the bench style automobile seats, my parents also used it on the outside of the car on occasion...possibly when they were sitting around the front yard, next to the driveway. Obviously, child car seat designs have come a long way since the early 50’s.

Of course, I’m only assuming that they brought that hanging car seat (with me in it) into the car when they were driving! If not, that may explain a lot of things about me 56 years later.


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