
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Oh Robb!!!

Oh Robb!!!
Originally uploaded by Jack Diddley.
For those of us in the so-called Baby Boomer Generation, which, by the way, somehow includes anyone born up to the year 1964, I will digress a moment. I was born in 1950. One can be referred to as a Baby Boomer if one was born between 1944 and 1964. The war (WW II by the way) caused a lot of people to get together and start large families. This in turn precipitated a huge need for more schools in the 50's, etc, etc. The term was (slap!) born: Baby Boomer. Anyway, I have a hard time accepting that someone born in 1964 (or any year after 1955) as a Baby Boomer. Now, I know what you are saying..."Who cares? I was born in 1960 and I don't want to be a Baby Boomer anyway. Buzz off you old fart!" Sure...fine...but I keep running into people who refer to themselves as Baby Boomers and they were born in 1964! If your parents were still popping out babys because of World War II in 1964, well...I guess they love babies. I know, I know...what's my point? Here is what I have come up with. If someone wants to be a Baby Boomer (reiterate "wants to be"), just show them this picture. To be able to identify these people, you're probably over 21 years old with an IQ higher than your waist size...right? But to qualify as a Baby Boomer, you must be able to identify their character names in the TV show! Cool, huh? I usually go one step further and ask their co-worker's names, the next door neighbor's names, their address, her maiden name, their son's name, and who played Alan Brady? But that's going a little too far, don't you think? In the episode where Robb was concerned he was losing his hair (and he heard that rubbing olive oil on your head before going to bed would stop the hair loss), what had replaced his hair when he woke up (in a dream of course)? You're right...that's a little overboard.


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