
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Yo Ho Ho...

Yo Ho Ho...
Originally uploaded by Jack Diddley.
I was going through some old photos I recently scanned for a project I am working on, a photo and video montage for Jenifer and Roth, and came across this one. Its a picture of Roth (my daughter's fiance) at some young age, dressed in a pirate suit at Halloween. Now, I came to think...I've only assumed that it was at Halloween. Quite possibly, that may have been his everyday attire at age 10... something to think about! I really should ask him. Not that wearing a pirate outfit on a regular basis is anything weird or sinister at age 10, I have pictures of me in full Howdy Doody regalia when I was a child and it was Xmas time! I would like to think that having worn the "Puffy Shirt" long before Seinfeld or Larry David ever thought about it put Roth right up there on the cutting edge a long time ago. So, today (thanks to that picture) I cannot get that song out of my head. You know the one. The one that plays over and over in Pirates of the Carribean? Yo ho ho, its a pirates life for me!

By the way, my daughter posted the answer (in a comment) to the musical question I asked at the beginning of the previous post. I was truly proud to learn (and I mean truly) that her last class at Cal Poly enroute to her degree in Journalism was Beatles 101 (true story). She got an A by the way! Arggghhh Maties!


Blogger Jen said...

Aahh, cute! I don't remember seeing that one. Did you get my pictures yesterday?

10:14 AM  

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