
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Life is just a roll of the dice...

We're born with certain things predestined...I truly believe that to be true. We are reluctantly ushered into this world with genes and chromosomes containing information carried with us until the end. From our cholesterol levels to the shape of our big toes, there are things about us that we have absolutely no control over.

How we deal with these inherited gifts is ultimately what determines what happens to us in life.

We can choose to accept everything at face value. We can choose to let some of these things ruin our lives. We can choose to allow uncontrollables affect our relationships as well as the length of our lives.

Or...we can choose to roll the dice ourselves...and see what comes up. Who knows...it may be a better roll than fate has already cast?

Remember the blank spaces in life, then learn from them. Even doing nothing is doing something.

There can be no substance without emptiness to compare it to.


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