
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

No Mas Cigaros

I won't blather about smoking. And I won't attempt to rationalize the insanity for getting back into nicotine (sneakily through cigars) a couple of years ago. It's simply done now. With my genes and health history, let's just keep it under the insanity plea for now.

Many other resolutions reside on a not-too-lengthy list on our bathroom mirror written with dry erase markers (makes it easier to remove and/or check off when completed).

Someone told me recently not to make resolutions you can't keep. That statement, in its purest form, is not a bad idea...don't set yourself up for disappointment and so on. For instance, I am not making any financial resolutions, ie, "I plan to make x-amount of dollars more next year".
I will strive to DO more things...things that are do-able for me. Some of these involve my photography business, some involve my photography skills. Yes, there are dietary and fitness items on the list as well.

So far, we are doing 100% on our resolutions after 20 hours! Obviously, the longer term goals remain to be seen.

Just for the record, there are a few resolutions I took off my list years ago that will remain off: marrying Hayley Mills...being on the cover of Fortune 500 magazine as the man who unseated Bill Gates as the richest guy in the universe...and inventing a new cola. Those will only continue to be sources of disappointment!

Happy New Year.


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