
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Steel Cut Oatmeal...or breakfast sausage and eggs?

If I could eat for breakfast 3-eggs, an 8-oz slab of country sausage, and a plateful of greasy hashbrowns everyday...I would. Let's not forget a couple of nice, hot fluffy homemade biscuits and a big bowl of country sausage gravy...mmmmm! But, that wouldn't be a prudent idea. Factor in a Bacon Double Cheeseburger and fries for lunch, and a nice Ribeye with twice-baked potatoes for dinner and my cardiologist would have me committed.

Speaking of committed...Loretta and I have pledged to eat hot, fresh-made oatmeal for breakfast at least 5 days a week. The other days: maybe cold oat cereal on one day, then splurge a little on the other day(see dream breakfast description above). So far, we've been doing well. Since I refuse to eat that nasty, flavored, instant packet oatmeal (I'm not sure it is actually oatmeal)...I have also made the committment to cook oatmeal from "scratch".

Yes, I do indulge myself with a pat of unsalted, creamery butter, a little milk, and brown sugar. But my rationalization is that it can't be near as bad as the eggs and sausage routine.

Will I get tired of the oatmeal thing? Probably. But it's a start anyway.

By the way, Steel Cut Oats are more expensive than regular rolled oats. But I had to see what all the hoopla was about. They have a much more nutty and savory flavor, but do take a while longer to cook. Steel-Cut Oats are whole grain oats (the inner portion of the kernel) cut into two or three pieces (about the size of a beebee). Regular rolled oats are flake oats that have been steamed, rolled, re-steamed, then toasted. This processing causes them to lose some of their natural taste, texture, and nutritional value.

I am by no means a "health food freak", but would like to be. Any food I put in my system that actually helps remove cholesterol can't be bad for me!

Now if I could just find a no-cholesterol substitute for Applewood Bacon!


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