
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Me...after two weeks of overcast...

Originally uploaded by Jack Diddley.
I haven't come down with a dose of "cabin fever" since I lived in Idaho in the late 70s. I lived in Boise from September '79 to March '80...there wasn't a day of sunshine until early March after we decided to back to California. My ex-wife (the mother of my children) was pregnant with our (now 25 year old) daughter, Jenifer. We spent 6 miserable months in Boise, working for a numb-nuts radio station, where we didn't see the sun the whole time. Now, having spent 6 years here in the San joaquin Valley (Modesto), I am dealing with the cabin fever thing again! I ride a Harley, my third in 5 years (a bitchen 2000 Road King Classic), and I think I am going through the Harley-riding-withdrawal-thing.

Tomorrow (Saturday), regardless of the temperature around here, I am going riding to the foothills and Highway 49. You see, 20 miles up the rode it has been sunny and in the 70s every day! I will ride up there, take some pictures, and post them tomorrow afternoon. Highway 49 is named for the 1849 gold rush here in California. It is rich with history, and abundant with wonderful scenery and fellow Harley riders on weekends. "I'll be back"...but I'm goin'!!!


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