
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

aquaria update

After a little more than two weeks, my saltwater aquarium leap of faith is is proving to be a successful venture.

Only one unfortunate demise stains my salty aquaria tenure. A little, black Three Spot Damselfish didn't make it, falling victum to his twin from stress and harrassment. One of the characteristics of many salter species: they gravitate toward attempted elimination of others of the same clan. Damselfish, especially, are very territorial...moreso than many other fish. You win some...you lose some...that's part of this game.

The two Tangs (a Yellow and a Scobas) are still settling in to cohabitation, as they tend to behave in a similarly agressive manner toward one another. The Yellow Tang has been pushing around the Scobas since we introduced the newcomer into the tank. The harrassment antics have subsided quite a bit, as they will both strive to establish some sort of territory for themselves.

The key behavior to keep an eye on: that each tenant readily eats when food is offered. The poor Scobas is eating heartily, even while being chased by the Yellow one!

So far...so good.


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