
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Friday, December 01, 2006

I may be a narcissistic manic depressed anal retentive nihilist...

I removed dipolar from the title considering it would make it redundant...and there are enough personal issues lingering in the title of this blog.

I just took a self evaluation quiz on a web page about Manic Depression a few minutes ago. Fortunately, for me and my wife Loretta, I failed the test! In other words, it appears as though I am not dipolar...just a bit fucked up and slightly deluded in my view of the world. Many years ago a marriage counselor described manic depression to me. He indicated that, in its simplest form, it is when a person goes through extreme highs and lows in short amounts of time. This particular shrink...he was foreign but I don't recall from where...said everyone had good days and bad days, highs and lows. But manic depressed people, often times described as dipolar, go through extreme highs (almost uncontrolled elation and a feeling of well being) and extreme lows (sometimes spending days in bed, or sleeping a lot so as not face the world). Geeze, it would be nice to stay in bed for a few days...and sleep more than a few hours. Anyway, I guess I can rule out dipolar as a self diagnosis...although I do know quite a few people who are indeed dipolar. In some cases, their condition is pretty close to schizophrenic I might add. They shall remain anonymous for fear of reprisal!

I used to think I was somewhat Anal Retentive. Let's rule out that weirdness considering I have been accused of being a slob on more than one occasion. Anal retentives super organize their closets and sock drawers, fold their dirty clothes before placing them in the hamper, and are paranoid about touching "public" things. Wait...that last item mentioned is all about me now! Oh, thank goodness for Purel.

It was Freud who coined the phrase anal retentive in referrence to behavior later in life that resulted from things that may have happened to you during your anal stage. He went on to describe one of the characteristics exhibited during this stage is when one derives great pleasure from having a bowel movement. Hence, a person with anal retentive tendancies has issues with letting go, so to speak. The term is often used in reference to a person seen as overly worried about small details...they are uptight or distressed over ordinarily minor problems, and unable to adopt a philosophical attitude toward mistakes. That smells of my personality sometimes, but again, I'm a friggin' slob. But then, I do truly enjoy taking a big, lengthy, extended dump on a daily basis...sometimes more often. I may still be in my anal stage...is that bad?

Narcissistic? The term narcissistic is often use to describe vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness. Apparently a young Greek named Narcissus refused to accept the advances of a young lady, he preferred admiring his own reflection. His punishment by the Greek gods (this is a Greek myth by the way)? Being turned into the flower Narcissus. Back to me, quoting a Seinfeldism, "...I don't like me!" Most therapists agree that a certain amount of narcissism is a healthy thing in a balanced well being. Where do you find that stuff, can you buy it at Costco?

Nihilism is a philosophical position, often associated with Friedrich Nietsche, which argues that the world, and especially past and current human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. Describing nihilism in one sentence isn't really possible. But a nihilistic person basically thinks everyone and everything is screwed up! Well known nihilists included Adolf Hitler and Dr. Evil. Got the picture? We may be on to something here regarding my personality! But considering how sentimental I am, I may not fit this profile either. Instead, I'll make up my own self-description.

Skip Hansen is a bummed out, burned out, sentimental, day dreaming under-achiever, who dwells in the past, but has an unwavering hope for the future. I will call this philosophy Neobeatleism. The theme song for Neobeatleism is actually of medley of All You Need Is Love, Imagine, and Because. Oh the hell with it, let's make this medley the entire Beatle catalog!



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