Evidently Spring sprung the other day. Equal days and nights so I'm told. Same thing happens in Autumn. No big deal, right? Spring is traditionally time for cleaning, and clock changing, and renewing things. A time to reset goals, adjust them a little if needed. There's nothing wrong with that. You must make adjustments in life...if you don't, you will be miserable. Stuff happens we have no control over requiring change, tolerance, rethinking. You cannot change the past, but you can sure as hell have something to say about the future!
Looks like Summer is just around the corner, be here before you know it. Last summer I needed to lose a few pounds to make the Harley leather fit better. Well, I did lose those pounds...several times over. I need to adjust my goals from last Summer and start again! It's going to be a great year.
Tomorrow is another day I guess.