
Some blather on the good...the bad...and the foo king ugg lee...FWIW.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Easter floral 3

Evidently Spring sprung the other day. Equal days and nights so I'm told. Same thing happens in Autumn. No big deal, right? Spring is traditionally time for cleaning, and clock changing, and renewing things. A time to reset goals, adjust them a little if needed. There's nothing wrong with that. You must make adjustments in life...if you don't, you will be miserable. Stuff happens we have no control over requiring change, tolerance, rethinking. You cannot change the past, but you can sure as hell have something to say about the future!

Looks like Summer is just around the corner, be here before you know it. Last summer I needed to lose a few pounds to make the Harley leather fit better. Well, I did lose those pounds...several times over. I need to adjust my goals from last Summer and start again! It's going to be a great year.

Tomorrow is another day I guess.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Casino Bound


I am not a big gambler type, but we enjoy visiting a casino a few times a year. Our game of choice now is video poker. The odds of winning on these machines versus the other slot machines are a little better (relatively speaking, since slot machines are the worst odds). Plus, the machine is such an anonymous venue. But the lure of a traditional poker game has always been there for me. Maybe its the ambience of the green felt, the clay chips, the colorful cards, and the mystery associated with every hand and every player across the table from you.

It is certainly not for everyone, I still believe that some people are just luckier than others. Maybe when all else fails, you fire up that big, nasty stogie to distract the others! The occassional shot of whiskey or tequila certainly helps when you're losing.

Friday, March 18, 2005

The Money Tree

Pachira 1

Also called the pachira. it is supposed to bring good luck.

We have had it a few years now. It lives in a pot on the back of my toilet, just under a small window with afternoon sun.

I stare at it every time I take a leak. Yesterday, I thought I would take a picture of it, acknowledge its existence so to speak. Maybe this would spark up its powers a little, start bringing us good luck.

I truly believe in luck. I'm just not really sure there is anything one can do to influence it.

Maybe luck isn't the right word for me. Let's call it chance. And if there is a 50/50 chance of something happening by choice, I am wrong at least 75% of the time in my life. True. Here is an example: When I go to plug something in, I have to turn the plug over more than half the time to get it to go in. You see?

I suppose then you could say that I am not unlucky...just living against the odds of chance.

I'll keep watering that money tree.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Late afternoon...

Floral macro 7

Like wine, musical instruments, and flowers...I believe people improve with age.

The young blossom of a flower is just the beginning of its beauty. Later on, toward the latter part of the blossom's life, other things begin to happen...much different than earlier on. Flowers and people are not always what they seem at first...or on the outside. Sometimes you must look deeper...always, you must be patient.

This is a photo of a tulip. The image is not what most people envision of a tulip. It is late afternoon in the day, and it is late afternoon in the tulip blossom's life. In Springtime, the sun is still shining brightly...looking forward to twilight.

I figure my life is at about 5:17 pm. Assuming I will live until midnight...there is much left to experience and do.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Jack Diddley

Jack Diddley

The song playing is "Never Die Young" by James Taylor.

Also, Never Die Alone and Never Die Regretful. That last one is the hardest.

I'm working on it.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Wedding Photography

Wedding Storybook 4

This is one of the formats I use for wedding photos. I also make a DVD presentation with transitions and music for the couple.

Since I have been neglecting the writing end of my blog life, I thought I would drop one these in here.

Monday, March 07, 2005

The 45 mph Couch Potato

The 45 mph Couch Potato

At least Sammy leaves a little room for us once in a while.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Daydreaming of Pyramids and Pharoahs

Daydreaming of Pyramids and Pharoahs 2
(Snowstorm Sam)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Behind the camera

behind the camera

Reminds of a line from the movie Tootsie.

"You know, we could pull back a little...that might help...Cleveland maybe?"

In my case, just 'pull back' the threshold and cover my face with the camera!

That oughta do it.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Wedding Photog

child dance1

Over the weekend I did my first wedding photography job.

One of the things I hadn't anticipated was the effects on my arm of carrying around a fancy-dancy digital camera for 4 hours plus. I guess I will survive. Now I know why I see working photographers with special straps, harnesses, and stands.

One of the things I did anticipate was the kinds of photo opps that kids offer at weddings. This one little girl in the wedding party couldn't get enough being in front of the camera. At one point in the proceedings, I had to slap myself to get back to the bride and groom shots! I love taking pictures of kids, they are so unaffected. This one loved the spotlight.